And Then This Happened…

I’m a relatively new fan of BtoB. It’s really only been a few months, but I don’t deny that I’ve become completely obsessed with them, watching countless videos and looking through countless tumblr pages just to see their faces. It’s embarrassing, it’s stupid, it’s a full-fledged obsession and I’m not going to deny it. We’ve all been there.

But there is definitely a point when an obsession goes too far, when it becomes somewhat of an addiction. The point when you know you should probably start doing something productive with your life because let’s face it, if you’ve spent this much time already then you’ve spent too much time. That point is nonother than fanfiction and I don’t just mean reading it, I mean writing it. Now I know I’ve gone too far, but I really can’t go back.

I already admit I have a problem and that’s the first step to fixing it, right? I’m not fixing it though, I’m embracing it. I am a fangirl after all, in case you didn’t believe me already. If not, then this is probably the only proof you need.

So here it is: my new IlSik fanfiction.

If you knew the random bits and pieces of unfinished Woogyu and Myungsoo fanfiction I have saved on Microsoft Word, you may or may not be repulsed, but this is the only one I have been gotten far on. I was inspired more than I’ve ever been. It’s completely fine. I’ve already accepted the fact that my life is a joke. Don’t judge me too harshly.

Now go read it, they think you should.


And on a side note, since we are already talking about BtoB, a kpop idol group that is already recognized for being 100% cute should not be allowed to make this video.

I guess I was wrong when I said they couldn’t get any cuter because clearly they can.

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