Why I Still Love Beep Beep… Despite Some of the Reviews.

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I recently saw a video on youtube that deemed BtoB’s new Beep Beep music video as “too boring to watch.”

Wait… what? Yeah, this comment actually caught me off guard. I didn’t even realize that there was a possibility that people didn’t like this video. Maybe I was in my own world. Besides feeling kind of offended by this because, well, I love BtoB and I obviously loved this video, I knew I had to step back for a second and think about why this video may actually have been boring to some people.

Which was hard, considering to me there was absolutely nothing wrong with this video.

So, that’s when I came to the conclusion that the reason some people feel this way is because maybe they aren’t even BtoB fans. I mean, I am a full blown BtoB fan so of course I was going to love it.

That being said, I think to truly appreciate this video you have to know BtoB. I mean really know them. You have to know their history, their members, their personalities, their humor, their previous songs and videos. And no, I’m not saying that those who aren’t necessarily BtoB fans can’t enjoy it too, they certainly can, but as a fan there is just something completely different you get from this video. BtoB fans, like fans of any kpop group, are not only fans of the music, they are fans of them as people, of them as artists, and of them as growing performers. We want more than anthing to see them grow. And while they aren’t my ultimate favorite kpop group and this may not have been the best video on earth, BtoB is the one group that I will always come to immediate defense for.

So with that in mind, I’m going to speak for all melodies and tell you why this video was not boring, why I loved this video and why I’ll watch it over and over again a thousand times more.

Reason 1: Peniel has (Korean) PARTS.

YES. IT’S HAPPENED. Cube listened to our many, many requests and gave him parts, good parts. In fact, his lines are my favorites of the entire song. Sure, he’s had small parts before, but this time you know it’s different. If this were the first video of BtoB you watched, you wouldn’t wonder who that “other guy in the background was.” Honestly, this is what stood out to me the most about the video because not only does Peniel have actual lines; he is shown a lot in the video as well. I think all of us were waiting for this. It’s so exciting to see him more and to watch him grow. Plus, did you see him doing the Bernie? Oh yeah. Two words for Peniel in this video: FINALLY and THANK GOD.


Reason 2: That choreography

Wait, like, was that choreography real life? Not only was the choreography freakin awesome, they killed it. However, they always kill it because ya know, it’s BtoB. It’s the fact that they are still killin’ it like their still in their debut stage, if not more than during their debut. That’s what makes it just as incredible and just fun to watch. It’s not pristinely in sync, it’s not typical boyband choreography, it’s not supposed to be, but they hit that choreography so hard it’s even better than even the most synchronized choreography. That fun-loving and unique choreography is what BtoB is. They have always been amazing dancers and so when its showcased with the most awesome choreography that I wish I could do I can’t help but watch it over… and over… and over…


Reason 3: Minhyuk

Minhyuk is most definitely his own reason. Because in this video Minhyuk is like the bad boy your father wouldn’t let you date but you risked sneaking out with him anyway because he winked at you. See him in that car? He’s waiting for you. Oddly, yet not unexpectedly considering we’ve already established that this boy can actually do anything, this is a concept that works so well for Minhyuk’s personality and appearance. He’s frequently cute and gentleman-like, saying things like, “Someone please send my love through Cupid’s arrow to her” and “will she accept my heart?” I mean I guess he’s the visual and all so that’s his job, but in this video there’s some frustration, some anger, some grunting and it’s incredibly sexy. He’s good at sexy and he should do it more often because I couldn’t keep my eyes off him (and neither could you, don’t try to hide it.)

So there’s that, but Minhyuk’s also grown as a rapper. In all honesty, he’s probably the member that’s most versatile. He’s not necessarily known as the lead or main anything except maybe(?) the lead dancer, but he can certainly do everything. I know and you know he is extremely diligent and hardworking but the fact that even though he is already seriously talented, he somehow can still get better, that’s what makes his growth so impressive and it completely radiates throughout this video.


Reason 4: It’s another genre/concept in the books

I’d say BtoB is known for being able to sing and dance any genre on earth, whether it’s R&B or whatever the f Thriller was. There next musical concept could be the cha cha and they would probably dance the shit out of it. So let’s add this hip hop to the list of genres and check it off, huh? This song is definitely different from their previous stuff but still so obviously BtoB, if only for the passion and hard work shining throughout every second of it. As far as the concept, they can do any concept, so it was just so fun watching them do this one.

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Reason 5: Showcasing the amazingness that is the BtoB vocal line

Because this group has one of the best vocal lines in kpop right now and they don’t get enough appreciation for it. There was that one part in the video that showcased the serious musicality of the group. This part is so wonderfully contrasting in an aesthetic sense that it is one of the best parts of the video. I might even go as far as to say that it was powerful. It not only makes the video unique as a kpop video in general, but I swear it’s put in their purposely to remind us that even during this fun and up-beat song in which the boys are acting crazy and stupid (lovable) that they are also talented musicians who take their music seriously, and you know what, they should be taken seriously. The four main vocalists aren’t all singing her but no matter what or who is singing, I’m all for showcasing the musical talent of the group, because they are amazing and they deserve it.

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Reason 6: They look good


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I’ve expressed so often how the amount of passion and love for music that these seven boys have is what really drew me to them in the first place. It hasn’t changed a bit since they’ve gained more popularity. This video is such a representation of them. It showcases the growth of an already amazingly talented group of boys and for it to be called “boring” just really diminishes all the hard work and love for their music that doesn’t deserve to be diminished at all. So maybe this video isn’t the best kpop video, nor the best BtoB video, but a video doesn’t need to have a story line for it to be a great video, the song is awesome and the dancing is awesome and in the end its fun to watch. They are doing what they do best, being stupid dorks and doing what they love with more passion than I can ever imagine having for anything.

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*Gifs/pictures are not mine.

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