This Weeks Biased Overview: VIXX

*Disclaimer: This post contains both factual information and biased opinions about a kpop group and its members. Not everything written here is factual, and please remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion.


Name: VIXX
Meaning: Voice, Visual, Value in Excelsis
Company: JellyFish Entertainment
Fan Club: Starlights
Number of Members: 6
Age Range: 1990-1995
Debut: May 2012 (Superhero)

My Bias: Ken
First Song: Error
Favorite Song: Voodoo Doll (also Love Equation but it’s a cover)
Favorite Music Video: Only U
Favorite Choreography: Voodoo Doll

Average Attractiveness (1-10): 8 (as a whole this group is very, very, very pleasurable to look at)


I am actually pretty new to VIXX, but lately they have really caught my attention and I have watched enough videos and reality shows to honestly say that they are a group I can’t find faults in. Basically, they seem happy and healthy and put together, they are consistent, and there have yet to be any scandals that at least I have heard of.

VIXX has multiple strengths. They are strong vocalists, they have an extremely talented main rapper, not to mention they are all doing great in the looks department, but their biggest strength lies in their choreography and their ability to portray a particular image through dance. They have unique and stand out choreography (I say this a lot, I mean most kpop groups have good choreography, but it’s especially true for them) which tends to be more emotional, interpretive, and sophisticated than other groups. I mostly attribute this to their concepts. Besides a few concepts here and there, their concepts have often been dark or supernatural. They deal with voodoo, ghosts, angels, cyborgs and involve other pretty creepy things like spiders, snakes, and blood in music videos. The darker concepts actually give them emotional depth and maturity as a group. Their music videos are visually dark and sometimes monochromatic in color, complete with dark eye makeup and dark outfits. It also isn’t unusual to see them adorning a suit or three in a single music video either. In fact, age wise VIXX isn’t too old or too young, so I’ve found that these concepts and outfit choices are appropriate for them and actually enhance their maturity, not to mention masculinity, as a group (as is not always the case for kpop groups).

They seem to have an affinity for dark, yet despite these predominantly sexy, mystical, or supernatural themes, VIXX also makes cute concepts look effortless because, well, they are naturally cute. None of them are particularly “cutesy” per say, but they are totally sweet and together they really radiate optimism. The members also all have personalities that are quite different from one another. I don’t just mean they look happy, but they look like the genuinely enjoy what they are doing at all times in the most natural way. VIXX is completely made up of interesting and charismatic performers of whichever concept they are given, but their personalities off stage are also very genuine. They are extremely charming and to me this is how they embody everything it means to be a kpop idol, or any kind of idol.

They are generally underrated, although they really shouldn’t be. If you’re looking for your next kpop group to get into, I highly recommend them. They perform consistently, are enjoyable to watch on reality shows, are nice to look at, and most importantly, they won’t add any extra kpop drama into your life like some other groups do *cough* EXO *cough.*


Name: Cha Hakyeon
Stage Name: N
Position: Leader, Dancer, Vocalist, Eldest
Date of Birth: June 30th, 1990
Height: 180 cm (5’11”)
Weight: 65 kg
Blood Type: A

Distinctive Features: tan skin, intense eyes, high cheek bones, narrow jawline, beautiful teeth

Personality: Literally always happy and extremely mature. He wants what’s best for his members and the group. I don’t think he ever gets offended by jokes on reality shows, nor do any of the members of disobey or offend him anyways. The younger members may enjoy joking with him in the most lighthearted way, but he has really earned their respect. In fact, at the moment he’s probably one of the best leaders in kpop. I truly think he is one of the reasons the group is so put together and well mannered.

Talent: He isn’t afraid to take center stage and he really just isn’t shy at all. He’s a great leader, has a great personality, and he also speaks well. He contributes both amazing singing and dancing skills to the group.

Attractiveness: 7.5 – He’s seriously pretty, has a bomb facial structure, just not necessarily my type.



Name: Jung Taekwoon
Stage Name: Leo
Position: Lead Vocalist
Birthday: November 10th, 1990
Height: 183 cm (6’0”)
Weight: 63 kg
Blood Type: O

Distinctive Features: serious, thin eyes, prominent cheek bones, high eyes, athletic physique

Personality: Immediately he comes off as intense and serious about his music. In shows, he is seen constantly on his own practicing his singing. Sometimes you don’t even see him at all but you can hear him singing in the background or in a different room alone. He intrigues me because as a lead singer you can’t imagine someone so reserved, but I can’t tell whether he’s shy or just quiet. When he talks its very cute and I think he has a hidden sense of humor. When he actually smiles or laughs it’s like light from the heavens opening up, really.

Talent: Incredible vocal skills, athletic and good at dancing

Attractiveness: 7 – He’s pretty unique looking, also just not my type.



Name: Lee Jaehwan
Stage Name: Ken
Position: Main Vocalist, Resident Comedian
Birthday: April 6th, 1992
Height: 180 cm (5’11”)
Weight: 65 kg
Blood Type: AB

Distinctive Features: “Western” looking, bigger features (nose, eyes, lips)

Personality: Probably one of the weirdest, 4D kpop idols at the moment (comparable to Bangtan’s Taehyung and many others). Prior to learning his personality I thought he was super hot and serious in music videos, but actually the fact that he is extremely odd makes him even better because it’s different then you’d expect. He’s very funny, random, and is considered the comedian of the group, the members are often seen laughing at things he says or does. He doesn’t look it but he’s a bit ridiculous.

Talent: A great singer, incredibly funny, also does a bit of acting

Attractiveness: 8.5 – I’m just kinda biased toward him


Name: Kim Wonshik
Stage Name: Ravi
Position: Main Rapper, Dancer
Birthday: February 15th, 1993
Height: 183 cm (6’0”)
Weight: 65 kg
Blood Type: O

Distinctive features: thinner nose, close set eyes, thin face

Personality: Honestly, probably the most normal of all of them. Sometimes he is cute and other times he is just very normal and totally sweet. Despite actually believing he isn’t good at being cute or doing aegyo, he actually is he most natural at acting cute.

Talent: Main rapper of the group and honorably so. I believe he’s also a main dancer so he excels at that as well.

Attractiveness: 8



Name: Lee Hongbin
Stage Name: Hongbin
Nicknames: Hongbinie, Bini
Position: Rapper, Visual, Vocalist
Birthday: September 29th, 1993
Height: 181 cm (5’11”)
Weight: 62 kg
Blood Type: B

Distinctive features: big mouth and wide smile, dimples on both sides, strikingly handsome

(AKA not my bias but if I could have sex with anyone in the group… is that aggressive? Nah…)

Personality: Extremely sweet and humble despite being drop dead sexy most days. The members often comment on his appearance, asking how, when, and if he’d always been so handsome. He usually just smiles and laughs kinda awkwardly, but I’ve also noticed he’s generally just a happy guy. Put him together with Ken if you want to LOL.

Talent: Rapping, singing, and just looking good. He can dance, but they can all dance.

Attractiveness: 9.5



Name: Han Sanghyuk
Stage Name: Hyuk
Nicknames: Hyukkie, Sanghyukkie
Position: Dancer, Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: July 5th, 1995
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Blood Type: B

Distinctive features: young looking (cuz he is), wider nose, total cutie

Personality: A maknae that actually looks and acts like a maknae which, as we know, is quite a rarity. I feel like he’s pretty quiet and respects his hyungs. Sometimes he makes me laugh because he just does the weirdest little things.

Talent: One of the main dancers, but can also sing and should probably sing more than he actually does.

Attractiveness: 7.5

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